Back to basics: avoiding errors in scientific research and publications

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Bojana Obradović


The number of scientific publications is constantly increasing accompanied with an increasing number of manuscript retractions, yet at a relatively low rate of 0.04 %. The major concern is fraud and different kinds of scientific misconduct that were found in about half of the retracted manuscripts. The rest was due to unintentional errors discovered after the manuscripts were published. Still, the impact of these intentional or unintentional published errors may be high even if the manuscript is retracted. Several studies have reported continuous citations of retracted manuscripts extending up to several years after retraction. Also, the vast majority of these citations were non-negative or positive (without the reference to retraction) implying that the authors were not aware of retraction. Such superficial reviews of the published literature especially if the original works are not consulted could be a source of mistakes and inconsistencies that could be further propagated in the scientific literature and difficult to eradicate.

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How to Cite

B. Obradović, “Back to basics: avoiding errors in scientific research and publications”, Hem Ind, vol. 73, no. 3, pp. 143–146, Jul. 2019, doi: 10.2298/HEMIND190630018O.


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