Electrochemical behavior of metallic implants in inflammatory conditions Abstract

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Aydin Bordbar Khiabani
Michael Gasik


This extensive study explores the significant impact of inflammation on the electrochemical corrosion of metallic implants, which can compromise their integrity and function, often leading to foreign body reactions. To mitigate these issues, the research introduces the promising Ti-Nb-Zr-Si (TNZS) alloy, 3D patterned Ti Gr2 and Ti Gr23 layers, alginate coating on 3D patterned Ti biomaterials, and Mn3O4 coating on anodized Ta.


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How to Cite
Khiabani, A. B. ., & Gasik, M. . (2024). Electrochemical behavior of metallic implants in inflammatory conditions: Abstract. HEMIJSKA INDUSTRIJA (Chemical Industry), 78(1S), 44. Retrieved from https://www.ache-pub.org.rs/index.php/HemInd/article/view/1290
Biomaterials for orthopedic and dental applications


Bordbar-Khiabani A, Gasik M. Scientific Reports. 2023;13(1):2312.

Bordbar-Khiabani A, Gasik M. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 2023; 26:356-70.

Bordbar-Khiabani A, Gasik M. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022; 23(7):3665.

Bordbar-Khiabani A, Bahrampour S, Mozafari M, Gasik M. Ceramics International. 2022; 48(3):3148-56.

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