Assessment of the size of the danger zone caused by an accident during transportation of a dangerous chemical substance

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Aleksandar Ivković
Srećko Ilić
Radovan Radovanović
Nevena Mladenović (Ignjatov)


Air pollution is the central topic of all discussions related to environmental protection. Modelling the spread of pollution is one of the methods used to predict the spread paths and levels of pollution and to act in order to combat this problem. The paper presents modelling of dispersion of ammonia through the air using a software tool ALOHA (Areal Locations of Hazardous Atmospheres) based on the Gaussian model of particle dispersion. Modelling in the work is based on data related to the accident that occurred in December 2022 in the vicinity of the city of Pirot, Serbia, as well as on real meteorological data that were collected during the time of the accident and the spread of pollution. As a result of modelling, zones with increased ammonia concentration are obtained. The zone areas will depend on the ammonia concentration at the source and meteorological conditions during the period of the leakage. The aim of the paper is to point out the need to introduce modelling into the operational centres of the local police or military units in charge of emergency situations, as well as additional safety protocols when transporting dangerous goods.


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How to Cite
Ivković, A. ., Ilić, S., Radovanović, R., & Mladenović (Ignjatov) , N. . (2024). Assessment of the size of the danger zone caused by an accident during transportation of a dangerous chemical substance. HEMIJSKA INDUSTRIJA (Chemical Industry), 78(2), 95–104.
Chemical Engineering - Process Modeling

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