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Đorđije Doder
Damir Đaković
Borivoj Stepanov
Nikola Milivojević


This study investigated the influence of different regimes of immersion batch frying of peanuts on its specific energy consumption. The investigation was conducted via simulation, where energy consumption was calculated using various heat power/peanut mass ratios. As the result of the applied optimization procedure within the examined domain and calculation data, it was estimated that a regime with 24 kW of heating power and 28.6 kg of peanuts gave the minimum specific energy consumption. Besides that, the resulting surface could serve as a basis for designing and operating the frying equipment in more favorable regimes in terms of energy efficiency.

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How to Cite
Doder, Đorđije, Đaković, D. ., Stepanov, B. ., & Milivojević, N. . (2023). OPTIMIZATION OF ENERGY CONSUMPTION DURING IMMERSION FRYING OF PEANUTS: Original scientific paper. Chemical Industry & Chemical Engineering Quarterly, 30(2), 135–142. https://doi.org/10.2298/CICEQ230116018D


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