Composite based on resveratrol and selenium as an antioxidative component in tissue engineering Abstract

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Nina Tomić
Dragana Mitić Ćulafić
Nenad Filipović
Tea Ganić
Maja Kuzmanović
Magdalena M. Stevanović


Inflammation and oxidative stress are common problems in biomaterial science. Therefore, antioxidative components, especially those of natural origin, can be of great value in improving biomaterial formulations for medical devices. It is already well known that the most notable exogenous antioxidants are ascorbic acid, polyphenolic compounds, and minerals such as selenium and zinc. In our research, we prepared a composite based on polyphenolic resveratrol nanobelts and selenium nanoparticles and explored its’ antioxidative potential.


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Kako citirati
Tomić, N. ., Mitić Ćulafić, D. ., Filipović, N. ., Ganić, T. ., Kuzmanović, M. ., & Stevanović, M. M. . (2024). Composite based on resveratrol and selenium as an antioxidative component in tissue engineering: Abstract. HEMIJSKA INDUSTRIJA : : ХЕМИЈСКА ИНДУСТРИЈА, 78(1S), 16. преузето од
Tissue engineering and in vitro tissue and organ culture models

Funding data


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