Local mass transfer and flow visualization around a cylinder in a liquid-solid fluidized bed Original scientific paper

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Nevenka Bošković-Vragolović
Danica Brzić
Katarina Šućurović
Rada Pjanovic
Darko Jaćimovski
Radmila Garić-Grulović


Adsorption method has been used for flow visualisation and determination of the local and average mass transfer coefficients around a horizontal cylinder in a liquid-solid fluidized bed. The obtained concentration fields on the adsorbent (silica-foils) represent a clear qualitative flow pattern around the cylinder. By comparison of the concentration fields around the cylinder in the single-phase flow and in the fluidized bed, a significant disturbance of the boundary layer by fluidized particles can be observed. Local mass transfer coefficients were shown to be dependent on the angular position around the cylinder with the maximum determined at the angle 140° (measured from the stagnant point 0°). Selected correlations were applied to predict the average mass transfer coefficients and the two best have shown deviations from the experimental data up to 5 %.


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Bošković-Vragolović, N., Brzić, D., Šućurović, K., Pjanovic, R., Jaćimovski, D. ., & Garić-Grulović, R. (2024). Local mass transfer and flow visualization around a cylinder in a liquid-solid fluidized bed: Original scientific paper. HEMIJSKA INDUSTRIJA (Chemical Industry), 78(3), 147–159. https://doi.org/10.2298/HEMIND231023018B
Multiphase Systems in Chemical Engineering

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