Combustion of waste solids in a fluidized bed to generate sustainable energy Original scientific paper

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Milica R. Mladenović
Biljana S. Vučićević
Ana D. Marinković
Jovana Z. Buha Marković


Exploring alternative options to address the impending global energy crisis while taking environmental concerns and climate change mitigation into account and addressing the skyrocketing energy demand has become urgently essential. This need is further highlighted by the Republic of Serbia's significant reliance on imported energy sources and its energy sector's strategy focus, which implies the rational use of energy resources, use of RES, and waste management with satisfying environmental regulations. The use of low-calorific and waste materials in conjunction with fluidized bed combustion (FBC) technology is the method to achieve all of the above goals synergistically. This paper presents experimental results of the combustion of several solid wastes (Kolubara's coal mining waste, paper sludge and hazelnut shells), conducted in an industrial demonstration and experimental bubbling FB boiler (capacity up to 500 kW). Burning these wastes has a variety of advantages, including recovering substantial energy remaining in them and minimizing overall waste volumes. The furnace temperature distribution, the flue gas composition at the furnace exit, and other combustion parameters of the tested fuels are given. Based on these results, an evaluation of FB combustion of waste fuels and the possibility of utilization of their energy potential is given.


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How to Cite
Mladenović, M. R., Vučićević , B. S., Marinković , A. D., & Buha Marković , J. Z. (2024). Combustion of waste solids in a fluidized bed to generate sustainable energy: Original scientific paper. HEMIJSKA INDUSTRIJA (Chemical Industry), 78(3), 173–185.
Multiphase Systems in Chemical Engineering
Author Biographies

Biljana S. Vučićević , The University of Belgrade, Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences – National Institute of the Republic of Serbia, Laboratory for Thermal Engineering and Energy, Belgrade, Serbia

Viši naučni saradnik

Ana D. Marinković , The University of Belgrade, Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences – National Institute of the Republic of Serbia, Laboratory for Thermal Engineering and Energy, Belgrade, Serbia

stručni savetnik

Jovana Z. Buha Marković , The University of Belgrade, Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences – National Institute of the Republic of Serbia, Laboratory for Thermal Engineering and Energy, Belgrade, Serbia

istraživač saradnik

Funding data


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